Book Review #4 - My Brother’s War

My Brother's War by David Hill

David Hill is a New Zealand author and winner of the Junior Fiction Award and  Children's Choice Fiction Junior Award ( New Zealand Post Book Awards for Children and Young Adults) 2013.

My Brother's War is set during World War One. It is about two brothers, one who is called on by the army and refuses to go and the other who volunteers to join the army and fight.

A Conscientious Objector is a person who believes there are other ways to win wars other than fighting and killing, and being a C.O. in those day was a pretty big deal. The story follows the two brothers on their different paths, one fighting and one refusing to fight and being imprisoned and 'tortured' until he agrees that his views are wrong.

My Brother's War is a touching story that opens the readers eyes to not only what the soldiers went through, but also the people who worked and were forced to work (for being C.O.'s or other).

Morals in this story include 'fight for what you believe in', 'do what you can to help others', 'be kind and polite to all people', 'one man's life isn't worth more or less depending upon what side he is on,'(very important lesson to learn!)

There is so much I could tell you about this book, but I believe it is best to learn and discover the story for yourself.

I give this book 95/100%, ages 12 and up.