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A Second Opinion: Book Review #5.2 - Percy Jackson

A Second Opinion: Book Review #5.2 - Percy Jackson

. 1 min read

Percy Jackson by Rick Riordan

This is the first in our Second Opinion Book Reviews. The CCC's believe everyone has a different view on books, everyone has a unique taste in literature and we respect that (unless you're totally wrong in your opinions but that's not the point)

Back to Percy Jackson:

In short, I read the first Percy Jackson book and didn't read any more. A few years later, I tried again and nothing changed except my opinion of the main character... which got worse. I didn't continue after reading the first book and I don't intend to.

It didn't hold my attention. It was creepy, and I guess I was annoyed at the interpretation of the Greek Myths. I liked the concept, but not the story or main character, which brings me to Percy...

What a whiny self righteous kid! He thought he could do no wrong, and that got worse as the book progressed. I don't know how to explain my thoughts on Percy in any other way than this; he annoyed me and when a main character is annoying I find the book unenjoyable.

What I did like, however, was how the author included the mythical creatures. For example the satyr/faun had crutches to help hide his goat legs and the centaur sat hid horse hide in a wheel chair... very clever.

I give this book a whopping 49% (average...but slightly below)

Note: Here is a link to the other review of the series by Taya Swindler: